What is IT Staff Augmentation and how to go about it?

June 23, 2022

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IT staff augmentation is commonly known as hiring extra staff, but it can also be referred to as outsourcing IT services. This can be done by either external hiring consultants or through hiring internal resources from within your company. IT Staff Augmentation helps save time and money by filling in the gaps created for some reasons. It also helps in growing the business by adding value to their services.

Many reasons a company may need to augment its IT staff. In some cases, an employee may have been let go or transferred to another department and can no longer fulfill the duties of their position. In other cases, it may be due to budgetary concerns or an increase in business growth that requires more resources. Regardless, some steps can be taken to ensure that your organization is prepared for a potential influx of new hires.

What is IT Staff Augmentation?

IT staff augmentation is a strategy that involves hiring additional personnel to fill the gaps in existing resources. IT Staff Augmentation is the process of adding other staff to the existing team of a company for various purposes. This process involves hiring new employees, with the help of IT outsourcing, to complement the current workforce or replace them in some cases. It also requires training and getting these new employees ready for their roles.

It can bring on new skills or provide more experienced workers who are already trained. IT staff augmentation aims to help your business run efficiently and effectively. It helps you fill in gaps and gaps that your current workforce has left so that you have an effective system in place.

IT Staff Augmentation refers to the process of hiring additional personnel to augment your existing workforce. It is a common practice that many companies adopt to ensure that there are enough human resources for day-to-day operations and to meet business demands, even during peak seasons.

How to do IT Staff Augmentation

There are several ways to hire additional staff members for your business. You can hire temporary employees through agencies. These agencies have a wide range of candidates who can be hired hourly or per project basis, depending on the work involved. They also have services such as resume preparation and interviewing assistance that you need to hire suitable candidates for your business. You may also opt for direct hiring by hiring full-time employees with experience relevant to your needs at a fixed salary or per project basis depending on your needs and budget constraints.

Establishing goals and objectives

Establishing goals and objectives is a critical step in IT staff augmentation. Defining the intent or purpose, you are trying to achieve is essential. This can be as simple as identifying where your company currently stands regarding technology. It can be more complex, such as determining how much of a gap between what you know you need and what your company now has. The goal should be clear and measurable. Once this has been established, you can identify gaps between your current situation and what you would like it to look like.

Identifying gaps

Before hiring people, you must identify gaps in your existing staff. These gaps could be a result of a large turnover or because there has been a significant decrease in demand for certain positions. For example, if you have a sales team that has been trying to sell more products but they haven’t been able to make enough sales calls, then they will have a noticeable gap in their schedule. 

Respecting differences 

Something else that needs to be considered when doing IT Staff Augmentation is how it will affect different departments or teams within your organization. While some departments may see an increase in workload and revenue due to hiring new employees, others may experience a decrease in workloads because specific tasks are now being done by multiple people instead of just one person. This can cause conflicts between departments and teams, leading to difficulties.


IT Staff Augmentation is a valuable service for any business, large or small. While small businesses may only need essential IT services, larger companies require IT staff augmentation solutions as they grow. When it comes to managing IT staff, not all businesses require full-time employees and onsite solutions. With the right staffing agency, any business can find the right people with the right skills and leave the rest to an agency specializing in your industry.

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